Base SAS software, as the name suggests is a base of all SAS software because it enables you to work on other SAS products on applying the same basic rules. Base SAS is a web-based integrated system of software solutions that not only has an extensible 4GL programming language of its own but also allows you to access, manage and transform data.
Base SAS software, as the name suggests is a base of all SAS software because it enables you to work on other SAS products on applying the same basic rules. Base SAS is a web-based integrated system of software solutions that not only has an extensible 4GL programming language of its own but also allows you to access, manage and transform data.
It also allows you to analyze data and generate reports with graphics. It not only allows you to develop applications, manage projects, perform statistical and mathematical analysis, but also allows you to do business forecasting and decision making.
The three main components of Base SAS are:
SAS organizes data into SAS Data Set, which is quite similar to DBMS tables. Each row in a Data Set is a separate entity and referred to asobservation,each column is referred to as variable and each separate piece of information in a Data Set is called data value. You need to use SAS Programming language to build SAS Data Set or generate reports.
Base SAS has following benefits: